by digby
I don't know what this means except for the fact that it's a little weird that so many people think the federal government is corrupt but fail to see the other side of the corruption. Where do they suppose the money comes from that corrupting the government?
Thirty-eight percent of Americans chose the federal government as the most corrupt institution in American society followed by the news media 17 percent, banks and financial institutions 16 percent, the police 11 percent and organized religions 7 percent. The size and sway of the government would lead many people to think it is ripe for corrupt behavior. Forty-four percent of Republicans think so whereas only 26 percent of Democrats do. Twenty-nine percent of Republicans chose the news media while 25 percent of Democrats picked banks and financial institutions. Surprisingly, the police who have been in the news so much lately got only 11 percent (4 percent Republicans vs. 17 percent Democrats) it appears that Americans still support their local sheriff.