Somebody's confused

Somebody's confused

by digby

I do not think it's "statists" (presumably she means liberals) are the ones who are combining church and state. The marriage license that the state provides is a civil document that confers certain contractual privileges and responsibilities. It's been doing that since time immemorial and it's got absolutely nothing to do with religion.

Kim Davis made it about religion not the state.  And lucky for her it is perfectly legal for her church to burn gay couples in effigy on the altar every Sunday if it wants to.  It can pray for them to burn in hell and refuse to even let them in the door. The government, on the other hand,  is not allowed to deny gay couples a marriage license. Everything's separate, as it's always been.

But Loesch isn't an idiot. She knows this. I'm assuming that she's just trying to confuse the rubes. There must be money in this somewhere.
