It looks like they're just going to keep whining #clutchthosepearlsboys

It looks like they're just going to keep whining

by digby

Ah decleah Miss Mellie, ah think Ah've got the vaaapahs!!!
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Thursday night railed against the CNBC Republican debate moderators, promising to reassess the primary debates going forward.

"I just can’t tell you how pissed off I am," he told Fox News' Sean Hannity about the debate. "It was insanity."

"Obviously we had assurances that it was going to be straight up finance, which is what they do every day, and what was delivered was just nothing but a crap sandwich," Priebus continued.

He did note, however, that the debate united the Republican candidates.

The RNC chairman assured Hannity that the party would do its best to make changes to the debates going forward. He said he has already spoken with Ben Carson, who raised concerns about the debate on Thursday, and that the RNC will meet with the other campaigns about their complaints.

“Everything is going to be reevaluated and reset. Every debate on the calendar is going to be reevaluated, reset, look at the format, the moderators, everything," he said. "We’re going to have meetings with all the candidates. We’re going to make sure that we can do everything possible to make sure last night doesn’t happen again."
Right. They'll make sure their precious, delicate flowers never have to face the unpleasantness of rude questions from the press ever again.

In other news, they are all very, very macho dudes who will defeat ISIS with their bare hands.
