The American Way (of guns)

The American Way (of guns)

by digby

From The Guardian journalist Rory Carroll:

Defiance from customers + staff at Roseburg Gun Shop. 'A different outcome if the teacher had been packing.'
— Rory Carroll (@rorycarroll72) October 2, 2015

For Roseburg Gun Shop the real danger to the community is Obama. 'He wants to leave us defenseless.'
— Rory Carroll (@rorycarroll72) October 2, 2015

Candi Kinney of Roseburg Gun Shop has just ordered more assault rifles. 'Always a rush after a big shooting.'
— Rory Carroll (@rorycarroll72) October 2, 2015

I think it's quite clear that they have convinced themselves that this is the answer to gun violence. They believe that the best we can hope for is to possibly have fewer casualties by arming teachers with loaded weapons so they can kill the shooter before he gets a chance to kill more than a handful of students. (They must know that it's impossible for these teachers be such great sharpshooters they will be able to draw their weapon and shoot the gun out of the killer's hand before he has a chance to fire, so this is the only explanation.)

They simply accept that people are always going to storm into classrooms, workplaces and churches and try to kill large numbers of people. All we can do is try to lower the body count a little bit. Maybe. And sure there may be more gun accidents and more lethal domestic violence and more armed confrontations with police as a result of our society being flooded with guns, but that's the price we have to pay.

And if gun stores and manufacturers make a nice profit at it well isn't that just the American way?

h/t to DKos