But what about us? They hate us more than anybody, right???? RIGHT????

But what about us? They hate us more than anybody, right???? RIGHT????

by digby

Every Villager's favorite conservative Hugh Hewitt called this Powerline post a "sober reminder":

Fox News reports that jihadi web sites are rejoicing over today’s terrorist attacks in Paris. The line we have heard more than once from ISIS-related sites is, “The American blood is best, and we will taste it soon.” The French are tougher than many realize, but they are not the primary targets of Muslim extremists.

This morning, in a burst of bad timing, Barack Obama said on ABC that ISIS is “contained.” Far from being contained, ISIS is on a roll, from the Sinai, where they apparently brought down an airplane full of Russian tourists, to Paris, France.

No one can seriously doubt that ISIS, and other Muslim terrorist groups, are doing all they can to attack the United States. We, meanwhile, are welcoming enormous numbers of immigrants from Islamic countries, and have gone “open borders” so that anyone can enter the United States from the south. What reason is there to think that Islamic terrorists will not enter across our unguarded borders and organize attacks similar to, or worse than, what France experienced tonight? None.

The Obama administration is at risk. If a Paris-style attack is launched during the next year by ISIS or by Muslims inspired by ISIS or al Qaeda, especially if the perpetrators enter the United States illegally–not that entering legally is a major barrier–the open-borders Democrats will have a great deal of explaining to do.

They want it soooo badly they can taste it.

I haven't heard anything from Lindsey Graham today so I assume he was felled by a cased of vapors. I'm sure the'll be around on tomorrows Sunday shows clutching an opera length set of pearls.
