But what does Rush think?

But what does Rush think?

by digby

Unsurprisingly, he likes Trump and Cruz. Trump because he has patterned his style directly on Rush. ("Talent on loan from God ....") and Cruz because he's the ideologue of his dreams. You know he likes fascist stuff he's hearing from Trump. Makes him all excited. But Cruz is the guy who could make the trains run on time, if you catch my drift:

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh says GOP primary front-runner Donald Trump is doing a “great service” by taking on the media and political correctness in his presidential campaign.

“Donald Trump is, I think, doing a great service,” Limbaugh said on “Fox News Sunday.” “He is showing that you do not have to fear attacks from media.”

“He’s showing you do not have to fear being politically correct or violating political correctness,” Limbaugh added.

The radio host also weighed in on other 2016 candidates. He said Ben Carson is “one of the most decent human beings in the country,” but not equipped to be president “at this stage.”

“But any of these Republicans running would be better than Hillary [Clinton] or what we’ve got now,” Limbaugh said. “So based on that comparison, yes, I’d vote for him if it were up to him and Hillary.”

He praised Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) as “brilliant” and “conservative through and through.”

“Trustworthy, strong, confident, leader, and somebody in whom you can totally depend,” he added of the Texas senator.

Limbaugh said former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign lacks passion and energy.

“I don’t think he really wants to do this,” he said. “I’m watching, and I just don’t see the passion, I don’t see fire, it’s as though people in his campaign want him to do it because they want to get back in power.”

“I just don’t see Jeb with all that energy that says I need this, the country needs me, I can’t wait to do this. I just don’t see any of that,” he added.

In case you were wondering, Rubio is an amnesty squish and not to be trusted.

Just so you know where the real power base of the GOP is coming from.
