Oh how they love to be "politically incorrect"

Oh how they love to be "politically incorrect"

by digby

It makes them feel so transgressive:
The sign on the front door of the Ohio family bakery states things plainly:

A photo of the sign hit the Internet this week, and its unapologetic, pro-American message began going viral Friday.

So how have things been since then at Schuler’s Bakery in Springfield?

Staffers manning the Sunday evening crowd told TheBlaze that not only is the sign still affixed to the front door, but also business has doubled.

They go on to say that they've gotten angry phone calls from liberals. No word on what what it is the angry libs were upset about. I'm guessing it's the Merry Christman thing or maybe the thanking of the troops and first responders. Liberals hate all those things. Especially Christmas.

If they really want to be politically incorrect they'd put up a sign telling all the dirty "illegals" to go back to Mexico and saying Muslims are all terrorists and blacks are a bunch of freeloaders and criminals. Or, just put up a Trump for President sign.

That's the real deal. The rest of this is child's play that only smug Fox viewers think anyone cares about. But being truly politically incorrect might actually cost them customers so they're bravely fighting the war on Christmas instead.
