The long arm of the network executive suite

The long arm of the network executive suite

by digby

They're doing it again:

CNN global affairs correspondent Elise Labott has been suspended for two weeks, a source at CNN confirmed to POLITICO.

Earlier on Thursday Labott had tweeted about the House voting on a bill that would make it harder for Syrian refugees to enter the United States.

"House passes bill that could limit Syrian refugees. Statue of Liberty bows head in anguish," she wrote, linking to a CNN article on the vote.

Several critics, including the Washington Post's Erik Wemple, said the tweet showed bias.
Labott did not respond to a request for comment.

But Christiane Amanpour could pretty much characterize President Obama a lily livered coward for failing to promise a full scale invasion of the middle east and Jim Acosta and the rest of the crew's screaming bloodlust hour after hour day after day was straight professional journalism. Got it. CNN has been absolutely horrible in the wake of these attacks, emoting and chewing the scenery 24/7. It's like watching a fucking Italian opera.

This is how it goes, folks. All the reporters now understand that there is only one way to present this story.
