Another creepy Trump "joke"

Another creepy Trump "joke"

by digby

So Trump talked about killing reporters last night and everybody laughed, even reporters on cable TV today:

"I would never kill them, but I do hate them. And some of them are such lying, disgusting people. It's true."

I get that he hates the press. But it's not abstract in the way most people think of it. He points to reporters in the room and he says sarcastically that he "wouldn't kill them" the way Vladimir Putin kills Russian journalists.

I know it's hardly the only or even the most repulsive comment Trump has made. But honestly, it's very creepy for a presidential candidate who freely talks about summary execution, assassinations and torture on the campaign trail to "joke around" about killing members of the press. If I were in the press pool, in that crowd of cheering neanderthals, I wouldn' feel very "free" I can tell you that.

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Happy Hollandaise everyone!