Can you believe what a coward Jeb Bush is?

Can you believe what a coward Jeb Bush is?

by digby

His mommy should give him a good talking to:

He knows very well that it was wrong for Trump to say this because it's a rude, sexually suggestive, creepy and inappropriate thing for a presidential candidate to say about anyone. The problem is that he said it not that it gives the feminazi beyotch Clinton "ammunition" to claim victimhood.

She didn't claim victimhood and neither did the millions of women all over the country whose skin crawled when they heard it. Not victims, just people, citizens, voters who think that the President of the United States ought to be more mature than your average 11 year old boy and that other candidates should be man enough to stand up to the puerile fool and blame him not the woman he was demeaning.

Apparently these Republicans only want women who like being doormats to vote for them. That's fine.  I'm sure there are many of them out there who have no problem with Trump's crude puerile nonsense. It takes all kinds.  But it sure seems like a foolish, unnecessary mistake to go out of your way to insult so many people like this. After all, the voting booth is private and they cannot know how many of these Republican and Independent women will take secret pleasure in casting a ballot against them.

Happy Hollandaise everyone.
