Is your refrigerator running? Better catch it ...

Is your refrigerator running? Better catch it ...

by digby

If you want to know why Americans are suddenly all quaking in their boots afraid of their shadows, here's one good reason:

All Los Angeles schools were closed today over an unspecified threat authorities believed to be credible. And whether it was or not, NBC’s Chuck Todd called it a successful terrorist attack regardless.

He said that officials probably erred on the side of caution, but still argued, “This was a successful terrorist attack today. It wasn’t blood, it was fear. Okay, and fear shut down the second-largest school system.”

And Todd tied that into the presidential debate tonight, in keeping with the focus on national security.

I sure hope ISIS is watching. They can save themselves a lot of trouble by just calling up the Pentagon and asking them if they have Prince Albert in the can. We'll immediately scramble the jets and start WWIII.

*Oh, and by the way, no word yet on whether the guy who shot up a Planned Parenthood clinic and calls himself a warrior for babies might have perpetrated a terrorist attack. He didn't use the word Islam or Allah at any point so apparently not ...