Isn't it pretty to think so?

Isn't it pretty to think so?

by digby

Yes, he said this ...

“I’m the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters,” the businessman said at a rally in South Carolina on Friday.

Trump said he exhibits tremendous grace under pressure when lambasting his political rivals on the social media network.

Imitating the sound of a typewriter, he noted that whenever someone says something bad about him, “bing bing bing — I say something really bad about them.”

The GOP primary front-runner added that he understands social media “maybe better than anybody, ever.”

Imitating the sound of a typewriter ...

It occurs to me that we're starting to get used to the idea that a puerile braggart like this is running for president. The shock is wearing off. It's no longer unthinkable ... Oh my God.

Happy Hollandaise everyone.