No Clinton did not say ISIS was making videos of Donald Trump

No Clinton did not say ISIS was making videos of Donald Trump

by digby

Even though Fact Checkers have all declared Hillary Clinton a liar, liar pants on fire for her alleged "lie" about ISIS's Donald Trump videos, I have to wonder if they actually listened to exactly what she said:
“He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”
Politifact declared her a liar:
But while such quotes support the notion that ISIS could be making recruiting videos, or will do so, they do not support Clinton’s contention — offered in the present tense — that they are currently doing so.
She didn't say they were making these videos. She said they were "going to people" and "showing videos of Donald Trump." They don't have to make them. They already exist in this world, right there on Youtube where anyone can see them.

Here's one:

This is from all the way back in 2011:

And here are his followers:

So there's no need to make "ISIS videos" to spread the word about Donald Trump and Clinton never claimed they did. There's plenty of footage out there they can use to "show people" if they want to.

And the experts all confirm that ISIS is definitely using Donald Trump's Islamophobia to recruit new members. It is highly unlikely that they aren't watching the videos that exist of Trump being the bigoted ass he is (as well as his bigoted American followers) to gin up jihad.

The press is trying very hard to be "even-handed" in their fact checks and it's hard because the Republicans are lying so prolifically this year. And they love the narrative of Clinton the lying witch in any case. But this Politifact check is wrong. She didn't say what they claimed she said.

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Happy Hollandaise everyone!