Oh look, Chris Christie desperately trying to be controversial

Oh look, it's Chris Christie desperately trying to be controversial

by digby

He thinks Clinton should suspend her campaign and go to Paris:

Christie then alluded to reported remarks from President Barack Obama, who said that he does not watch enough cable news to quickly understand the extent of Americans' anxiety about terrorism.
"Bad news," Christie commented. "And secondly, you had Hillary Clinton the other night saying that we’re exactly where we want to be on ISIS. Here’s my suggestion to her: suspend your campaign, get on a plane to Paris, and go and look in the eyes of the families of those dead victims and tell them we’re exactly where we want to be on ISIS."

I often forget Chris Christie is in the race, which is nice. But whenever he pops up to try to get some attention I'm reminded of what an unctuously sanctimonious bully boy he is.

One thing's for sure, if anyone's going overseas let's hope it isn't Christie. He's more embarrassing that George W. Bush.

*I hope we can keep this old blog going over the next year. If you would like to keep reading what we produce here, I hope you'll consider dropping a little something into the kitty.

Happy Hollandaise everyone!
