Plenty presidential
by digby
VAN SUSTEREN: Donald, you’re likeable but I tell you, I sort of gasp when I hear you sort of making bathroom jokes about Secretary Clinton. Or anyone. And that’s why I wonder… should you get the nomination, are you going to change your language a bit and appear what I call more presidential?
TRUMP:"I think I’m presidential and I think I’ve done what I call presidential work. You know I built an incredible company. I’ve made great deals, I’ve had tremendous success.”
Meanwhile, George Will is very concerned:
“Conservatives’ highest priority now must be to prevent Trump from winning the Republican nomination in this, the GOP’s third epochal intraparty struggle in 104 years."
Who did Will think was voting Republican all these years? People like Andrew Breitbart?
"Of course, Will might just be miffed that Trump recently said “I think I have a much higher IQ… You have these guys like George Will. He sits with the little spectacles. If he didn’t have the spectacles, you wouldn’t think he’s smart because he’s wrong so much.”
Yeah, these right-wingers are very concerned about Trump being "presidential."
Maybe the only thing we need to know about Trump and his followers is that they are all suffering from arrested development. It really could be just that simple.
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Happy Hollandaise everyone.