They didn't know about the lead #Undocumented #Flint

They didn't know about the lead #Undocumented #Flint

by digby

This is just horrifying:

While the state government mobilizes a massive response to the water crisis in Flint, handing out bottled water and filters to residents affected by lead-contaminated tap water, undocumented residents here feel left out.

In interviews with Fusion, a half dozen undocumented people said that either they’ve been turned away from free water or are worried that they’ll be deported if they try to get help. Some who don’t speak English only learned about the problems with the water in the last few days, and have been drinking contaminated tap water for months.

Officials at some fire stations—where the National Guard is distributing free bottled water and filters—have asked residents for a form of identification. Immigrants in Michigan without legal status are unable to receive drivers licenses or state IDs.

“I went to ask for water from the fire station, and they asked for my social security number, so I left,” said Estella Arias, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico. “I feel bad that I can’t get the help… I don’t want to expose my kids to lead.”

State officials say that as of Friday night, they are no longer turning anyone away for lack of identification, and were only asking in the first place in order to track where their resources are going.

But undocumented people here say that policy is not being implemented across the board. Officials at some fire stations simply hand anyone who walks in a case of water, while others demand identification.

“Once word of mouth ripples through the community that you have to have ID, it’s too late,” said Susan Reed, the managing attorney at the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center.

Moreover, when National Guard officers go door to door to deliver water to elderly and disabled people, undocumented immigrants are unlikely to open their doors. Rumors are flying about the Obama administration’s undocumented immigration raids nationwide, and on social media, immigrants encourage one another to keep the door shut.

There are no Spanish language media there. But there are some decent people who are helping:

Adia Cuadrado along with members of the "Action for Greater Lansing" are collecting water just for those undocumented immigrants.

"When undocumented individuals are suffering, they suffer until somebody is aware that they are suffering and helps them out" said volunteer Guillermo Lopez.

Parishioners at Cristo Rey Catholic Community and members of "Action for Greater Lansing" don't want anyone in Flint to be afraid to ask for help. So they are going to help them.

"Undocumented people are people who come here just like me and just like others with the same kind of dream" said Cuadrado. "Many times they're used to being left in the shadows."

The state says they will no longer require identification at pick up locations but Cuadrado doesn't think it's completely true.

"They say it is not a requirement to ask for identification now there's a lot of things here that doesn't require drivers licenses but it's still being asked for" Cuadrado explains.

Instead of taking the donation to the Red Cross, the group is taking it to their sister church in Flint.

"Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Flint is a primarily Hispanic parish and it's a place people will have confidence to go to and not be afraid" said Father Fred Thelen of Cristo Rey.

There they know they'll be able to get the water into the right hands.

"When we take an action if it's a small one it doesn't matter. There's so many times when you feel powerless in what you're doing" Cuadrado said.

I can only imagine what the conservatives are saying about this. (I can't bear to look.) Not that conservatives would ever care about undocumented workers' children, we know that. They don't even care about American children. When it comes to climate change and guns they don't even care about their own children. Still ...

