The dogwhistle is dead

The dogwhistle is dead

by digby

I never doubted this outcome. The only thing notable about this is the fact that their base mistrusts them so much it will not even allow them to pretend they care about institutional norms anymore:

Key Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee emerged from a closed door meeting in Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office Tuesday united in their determination not to consider any nominee to replace Antonin Scalia until the next president takes office. 
Tuesday was the first full day the Senate was back in session since Scalia's death Feb. 13.
"We believe the American people need to decide who is going to make this appointment rather than a lame duck president," said Majority Whip John Cornyn. 
When asked if they would start the process after the new president took office or if they would consider doing it in the lame duck session, Cornyn replied "No, after the next president is selected. That way the American people have a voice in the process." 
Sen. Lindsey Graham said that "there's no use starting a process that's not going to go anywhere and we are going to let the next president decide," when asked why there would be no hearings.
There you have it.
