Can they deny him?

Can they deny him?

by digby

According to the polling, they're going to have to give in to Trump. And because he's having a tantrum over it, he'll take credit for making sure it happens:

More than six in 10 Republican voters believe that, if no GOP presidential candidate wins a majority of delegates before the convention, the one with the most votes should be the party's nominee, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

That's compared with 33 percent of Republicans who say the nominee instead should be the candidate whom convention delegates think would be the party's best standard-bearer.

I just don't see how they get around this. People don't understand that this is like sudden-death overtime and the game begins again under different rules if someone doesn't win on the first ballot.

But what are the going to do?

The lesson will be that having tantrums, complaining about unfairness, holding your breath until you turn blue, threatening violence if you don't get your way --- that's how we'll make America great again!
