Cruz is like Mitt Romney?

Cruz is like Mitt Romney?

by digby

Ann Coulter thinks so:

“Even if he won the nomination, Cruz is a stiffer, cornier, less likable version of Romney. He couldn't pick up one state Romney won, and might lose a few. And even if none of that were true, the Supreme Court will rule that Cruz [a Canadian] is ineligible to be president. They’ve already ruled nearly a dozen times on what constitutes a ‘natural born citizen’ — a legal term of art going back a few centuries in British Common law, and a constitutional requirement to be president. Cruz isn’t that, he was indisputably born in Canada to non-military, non-ambassador parents. He’s also easily the most boring candidate of my lifetime.”
Is it possible that she's ratfucking here? Using the fact that she's a bomb-throwing right wing provocateur to make Cruz look ... normal?

I don't know any other way to explain this ...
