Don't stop beieving #yourownhype

Don 't stop believing

by digby

... your own hype:

Robert Costa reports:

When reached by phone, Bennett confirmed that he wrote the memo and sent it to his colleagues in the campaign. 
“Personally, it’s been a very hard time. You’ve got Republicans in Washington saying they’re keeping lists of people who work for Mr. Trump, who say you’ll never work in this town again,” Bennett said in a brief interview. “My point is that people should be pumped that the establishment is spinning.” 
When asked whether his ire was directed more at the national media or the GOP’s establishment wing, Bennett said, “Both.” 
“All of that is the establishment,” Bennett said. “The press is printing the narrative that the Republican establishment is setting. What’s necessary — what I’m saying here — is that we can’t let that influence how we see ourselves.” 
A veteran of Republican campaigns, Bennett previously served as campaign manager for former Trump rival Ben Carson and made his way into Trump’s orbit in late January.
Boo hoo, boo hoo, boo hoo.

But what's the big deal? Trump says if his feeling get hurt he might just blow everything up so everyone had better be nicer or something bad will happen, right?  So why so worried?
