What's wrong with this picture?

What's wrong with this picture?

by digby

David Brooks on Meet the Press:
There are two motivations for voters. There is philosophy and Sanders sort of has that. But there is also party loyalty. I was watching an interview with her earlier and I was thinking if Ed Muskie or Hubert Humphrey came back and they saw her they'd say "that's what a Democratic candidate looks like." And so she's part of the embodied history of the party. There's a machine like quality and so it's hard to get excited by her but there's comfort level for Democratic voters. That's carrying her but it doesn't inspire anybody.

"That's what a Democratic candidate looks like."

Well, there is one little difference. Not that anyone cares because it's so insignificant and meaningless. But still. You'd think it would at least get a tiny bit of acknowledgement. Nobody said a word.

But why should they? It's not like it makes any difference, right?
