Misogyny rising
by digby

How can it be that America in 2016, when the country is finally on the verge of nominating the first woman for president on one of the two major party tickets, has produced an unreconstructed misogynist pig out of some 1950s nightmare to run against her?
What does this say about our country? Our culture?
STEPHANOPOULOS (voice-over): While Trump swats away critics in his own party, Hillary Clinton is focused on locking in her base by playing that women's card.[No George, she's not "focused" on playing the women's card. But thanks for helping Trump out on that. --- d]
HILLARY CLINTON (D-NY), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He doesn't think much of equal pay for women because, of course, he doesn't think much of women, it turns out.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Trump digging in with this remarkable statement.
TRUMP: I mean all of the men, we're petrified to speak to women anymore. We may raise our voice.
You know what?
The women get it better than we do, folks, all right?
They get it better than we do.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But he's also up against the president.
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Republican women voters are going to have to decide is that the guy I feel comfortable with in representing me and what I care about.
TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you what my reaction is. I won in massive doses and massive -- by a massive number, New York, Pennsylvania, everything. I won overall. But I won with women. I won with men. I won with older. I won with soldiers. I won with highly educated and not so highly educated. I won with everybody.
STEPHANOPOULOS (on camera): So you're not worried about Obama...
TRUMP: I won with...
STEPHANOPOULOS: -- out there campaigning against you?
TRUMP: Look, you know what?
Once we start, I think it's going to be good.
You know, Hillary Clinton, the only thing she's got going, she plays the woman card 100 percent. I saw her in a speech, well Donald Trump spoke a little bit harshly to Megyn Kelly. Well, Megyn Kelly was really terrific. She called me and came up to my office. She wanted to make peace. And we did. We did. I mean, it was very nice.
Some of the stuff is said as, you know, an entertainer, because I have The Apprentice, or some of it was said in fun with certain shows like Howard Stern, who is a friend of mine...
STEPHANOPOULOS: So, you're not worried about the tapes of that coming back?
TRUMP: It comes back.
I mean, look, what am I going to do? Everyone else thinks it. You know, these politicians, I watch the politicians, what they say behind the scenes makes whatever I said jokingly to Howard and other people like baby stuff.
What they tell me behind the scenes talking about everything is far worse than anything that you've seen or you ever will see about me. And then they act like, oh, that's so terrible. That's so terrible.
I mean, you know when it's called? Give me a break. And I watch Hillary Clinton like she's a baby. I mean, just look at what happens with her family. I watch Hillary Clinton like, oh, the way he talks to women, the way he talks to women, well -- you know, take a look at her husband and what do you think he talks to women?
So, when I watch her and she's playing the women card so much and so loud. And frankly I think it's her only chance of getting elected. You know what, listen, she's going to get hit for it, because it's not appropriate.
STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, there was an article in GQ about your wife Melania this week. And you said that spouses should be off the table, but you are willing to talk about Bill Clinton. Should he be off the table as well?
TRUMP: It depends on if he's involved in the campaign. I think if he's involved in the campaign, he shouldn't be. And he probably will be involved.
I think he gets involved when she plays the women card. When she said Donald Trump was nasty to a woman, number one I've worked so well with women for so many years. I broke -- you know, you talk about the glass ceiling, what I've done in terms of jobs for women and I've gotten so much credit, and to this day I have so many women in my company that are doing so well, making so much money, I mean, in many cases making more money than men in comparable positions.
But, no, if he's involved in the campaign, he should absolutely, you know, he could be brought into it.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So, not -- fair game.
TRUMP: I think fair game, yeah. No, I think fair game.
STEPHANOPOULOS: As Trump make clear Friday night.
TRUMP: Nobody in this country, and maybe in the history of the country politically, was worse than Bill Clinton with women. He was a disaster.
TRUMP: Hillary Clinton's husband abused women more than any man that we know of in the history of politics, right. She's married to a man who was the worst abuser of women in the history of politics. She's married to a man who hurt many women. And Hillary, if you look and you study, Hillary hurt many women.
STEPHANOPOULOS: To Trump, the rules of the game are clear -- if you're on the field, you get hit.
This is what the Republicans came up with to run against a woman who is the former Secretary of State, a US Senator, former first lady of the United States and Arkansas and long time activist on behalf of women and children? This is how America reacts to the first woman nominee from one of the major parties?
And yes, Trump has been disgusting on virtually every level, with his attacks on immigrants, Muslims, African Americans, across the board. But choosing Donald Trump to run against the first woman nominee for president on a major ticket is a very specific slap in the face. Imagine how African Americans would have felt if the GOP had nominated David Duke to run against Barack Obama in 2008?
I have never felt more alienated from my own country than when I hear that Donald Trump has received more votes than any Republican candidate in American history. All those millions of people are basically saying that rank sexism is still a-ok.
I hope that women turn out to vote against this monster and he is soundly defeated on that basis. But he's turned over an ugly rock and I don't think I can ever unsee what's underneath it.