QOTD: A loyal blackshirt

QOTD: A loyal blackshirt

by digby

Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) a month ago :
"Donald Trump does not represent Republican ideals; he is our Mussolini. Donald Trump's approach is, 'I am just going to do it.'"
 Rep. Chris Stwart (R-Utah) today:
"While Mr. Trump wasn't my first choice, we must move forward and unite to defeat Hillary Clinton."
Hey, a little fascism between friends never hurt anyone, amirite?

As Tim Murphy at Mother Jones pointed out:
As recently as a week ago, Republican lawmakers were promising to fight Trump on the beaches (or at least the convention floor in Cleveland) if necessary to stop the steak magnate from taking control of the party. Now, even the guy who compared Trump to a fascist dictator is coming on board.
 Well they never said it was a deal-breaker ...