She needs to answer for his pants
by digby
John Amato helpfully caught this doozy from yesterday:
Most of the media hasn't indulged Donald Trump's use of Bill Clinton's behavior, but it only takes one, and yesterday on MTP Daily, Chuck Todd took the bait when he asked HRC's spokesman Brian Fallon this lame question:
"Do you feel as if Hillary Clinton needs to respond to at least explain why she forgave her husband?"
Like me, many people were dumbfounded by this question, because it validates Trump's use of lies, nonsense and conspiracy theories, in his attempt to discredit his opponents.
Fallon's response was correct, but Todd didn't let go of Trump's line of questioning.
"Chuck, I think that the country remembers these issues from two decades ago. They recognize these issues as having been litigated and fully aired then."
TODD: So, she doesn't believe (INAUDIBLE)...
FALLON: ... She's written two autobiographies in the years since then. She's given numerous sit-down interviews where she's talked about that, dating back to 2003. She was asked about it by -- in 2000 Senate debates. She's answered that question multi...
TODD: ... Do you feel as if she owes no more explanation, period?
FALLON: Again, I don't think that the public is clamoring for this issue to be re-litigated, that's why I think it's a failed strategy on Donald Trump's part.
But as you can see from Chuck's insistence, Cokie's Law had been activated by the Meet The Press host, and Trump has been rewarded for his despicable behavior.
I saw that exchange yesterday and tweeted it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
But it's par for the course. Clinton has been asked to answer for her husband's personal behavior for years, as if it says something about her.
I'm sure they'll keep asking though. They can't quit the sex stuff. It hasn't benefited Republicans in the past but who knows, maybe voters today will be shocked by Bill Clinton's sex life --- and will be moved to vote for the pious, morally upright Donald Trump instead.