The Freepers are all in

The Freepers are all in

by digby

Our overriding conservative mission on Free Republic is to defend God, family, country! 

Posted on 5/11/2016, 1:10:59 PM by Jim Robinson

Our overriding mission on Free Republic is to preserve, protect and defend (conserve) God, family, country--and all that that entails (refer to the Declaration, Constitution, and our Judeo-Christian American heritage for details). 
Our most immediate task we must undertake at this time is keep corrupt, godless, treasonous, America-hating communists like Hillary Clinton out of power. 
Our very survival as a free nation depends upon it. 
That means FR is going all in to defeat Hillary/Bernie, et al, by supporting our America-first nominee Donald Trump to the hilt. 
Very sorry if your favorite candidate did not win the nomination and sorry if you cannot understand or agree with our mission, but those who can't live with our immediate goal need to either keep it to themselves or sit it out (from FR) for the duration. Anti-Trump activities and NeverTrump trolling and recruiting efforts are not appreciated and are unwelcome on FR. 
The time for fighting about who may be best on our side for the job is over. It's now time to consolidate and concentrate our firepower against our common enemy. 
Our intent is to do whatever it takes to defeat the commies in November and if you do not wish to be part of this effort, please sign off now. You can always let me know by email if you wish to rejoin us. 
Thank you very much.

As if there was ever any doubt ...