They really hate Paul Ryan

They really hate Paul Ryan

by digby

Someone sent me this rant from some right winger and I thought I'd share it just to give you a flavor of the state of mind of your average Trump voter.  It struck me as illustrative of a fairly typical American voter in this moment:
Paul Ryan and National Review: you are no longer the “leaders” of the Republican Party. Temper tantrums and throwing your weight around appear to be from kindergarteners who want attention because their power has just been taken. If there’s anything to be learned from this Paul, it is that there’s a new sheriff in town. There is no moral to the stories of the NeverTrumpers, just immoral ones, and the shakedown won’t wash. 
The NeverTrumpers of government teat-sucklers, dependents and hangers-ons, and so-called “conservative” ideologues, after having wrongly divined what the Grand Poobahs said: Donald Trump can never win the primaries, he has no path to the convention, no one will take him seriously (while calling him a clown and ignorant), he’s not a conservative who advocated for conservative causes such as smaller government, will eat their hats. Then not the Democrats, but the NeverTrumpers, went ahead and spent almost $200 million to defeat the Republican frontrunner The People chose. 
The NRO bunch took every opportunity to remind us that Trump’s not perfect. 
Sore losers Jeb Bush’s and Lindsey Graham’s feelings are hurt and they can now renege on the deal to not back the winner? And they call Trump juvenile? 
The inconvenient facts to your narratives Paul/NRO are the alternatives to Donald you had backed. The “perfect” ones. 
Take the last two Republican nominees who lost perfectly following your game plan.

You say Trump didn’t insist on smaller government? Maybe because your Republicans in Congress have…by approving each and every one of Obama’s spending goals.

Then your clan approved two farleftwing Supremes to advance smaller government. 
The two Supremes approved Obamacare, gay marriage and transgender toilets…examples of smaller government and money well spent. 
I understand Rep Ryan. You see, I cannot add two and two as Ted and Marco also advocated for a smaller government while simultaneously advocating for a significantly larger military and projection of American power. Being a curious fellow, I’d like to know the mathematical formula for spending less while spending more? I’d like to get your take why not defunding Obamacare and allowing for unfettered illegal immigration across our borders advanced conservative values. And going along with the “Good Deal” that is Iran advanced conservative values.
On your watch Paul, Obama cut our military in half to feed his cadre of parasites, foreign invaders and No White Lives Matter, as he crushed this nation under impossible debt; Russia strafed our warships in the Baltic while threatening us with nuclear subs off the East Coast; China built military installations on newly created islands in the south Pacific filled with jetfighters manufactured from plans stolen from Obama’s military. North Korea detonated hydrogen bombs and developed ICBMs under the same nuclear disarmament pact Hillary Clinton’s husband negotiated. You allowed Obama to “negotiate” in Iran using Bill Clinton’s failed chief negotiator in North Korea, and failed to stop the $150 billion Iran is get to advance their nuclear program and terrorism with which they can threaten the world.

Last week the Administration’s chief communications strategist mocked liberals and the leftwing press by calling them clueless and admitted to cynically deceiving the People and the international community to sell the Iran “Good Deal” lie! Under your watch.
Meanwhile, Islamic extremism and terrorism has grown dramatically around the world.
And now you’re lecturing us about Donald Trump and the “shakedown” you’re wiling to agree to? 
I can understand why you’re shaking in your boots at the prospect of a Donald Trump telling you to take a walk on a flexible plank. 
Your poobahs agreed to fund the IRS to hound Donald Trump and the Patriot movement’s various organizations. And then you let Obama’s thugs to get away with it. More recently your lackeys spread the pack of lies suggesting that Trump is not a smaller government low-tax-promoting candidate. As if you were.  
Man up Paul: The Trump backers didn’t leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party playing footsies with the Democrats while stealing the nation blind left The People.
Jobless, healthcareless, futureless, fruitless, small businesses ready to be victimized by any out-of-control government agency of the moment that you failed to control, and too, the mobs of dependence, free speech restricting, and political correct leftwing windbags. 
They were your Republicans who left the authentic non-ideological conservative movement behind years before Trump even mentioned White Lives; and right now, by deliberately dividing us, empowered the political left and Hillary…with whom yours can easier deal to deceive the people. 
Whom Paul, did you have in mind as the plantation’s alternatives to Donald?
Ted Cruz who authored the amnesty program for George W. Bush? 
Or is he Marco Rubio who was the primary champion of amnesty since his first appearance?  
Or perhaps you meant pro-second amendment John Kasich who cast the  deciding vote that forced passage of Bill Clinton’s Assault Weapons Ban? Here’s Bill Clinton’s THANK YOU note verifying Kasich’s conservative values. 
For the Man with a Hammer, Everything Needs Pounding! 
Trump is more of a genuine conservative than the whiners and teat-sucklers who fund his professional critics. Donald Trump was the winner who brought out more Republicans to vote in the primaries than any other candidate in history. Meanwhile, the NeverTrumpers have consistently, deliberately, and falsely, weakened our party, just as Trump kept consistently winning against the plantation-approved pretend-conservatives. Yours Paul, are the dividers, along with President Romney – strengthened Hillary. 
Clarity: If Hillary wins, it won’t be Donald’s fault. It’ll be yours!
I have never felt sorry for Paul Ryan.  He got into bed with this crew and now he's paying the price. But I don't envy him.  This is the mindset of the right in Trump's America.
