Kasich says Trump will lose Ohio (heh)

Kasich says Trump will lose Ohio (heh)

by digby

If he has anything to do with it anyway:
"Ohio's a snapshot of the country. People in Ohio want to see a positive agenda, a positive way to move forward," Kasich told Philly.com, calling Trump a “divider.”

"My position is, I'd like to see Donald become a unifier and positive. We just have some fundamental disagreements including a few areas: trade, immigration, foreign policy," he added.

Kasich, who mounted his own GOP presidential run, has not endorsed Trump, the Republican nominee for president. He did not attend last week’s Republican Nacional Convention in his home state.

"Without an endorsement, I thought it would be inappropriate for me to go in there and make some kind of a talk," he said.

"There will be no way that I'm going to vote for Hillary Clinton. As for what I do in the end, I don't know," he added.

Also Trump casually dropped the idea of funding a Superpac against Cruz yesterday in his press conference yesterday and then a "source" (probably him) told Bloomberg he was going to fund one against Kasich too. I'm fairly sure Kasich heard about it.

And the problem for Trump --- and the stupidity of picking a fight with him --- is that Kasich opposing him means that he isn't putting his political organization behind electing him. That matters a great deal for Trumpie because he has no organization of his own.

Trump picking fights with any members of the GOP at this late date is just --- well, idiotic. He can't build a real campaign. It's too late. So he's dependent on the existing party infrastructure. Some will help. But Ohio is pivotal, he should win it with Kasich at the helm and he just couldn't get it done.

The alleged master of the "Art of the Deal" couldn't get a deal with a fellow Republican politician. But I'm sure the leaders of Iran, China, Russia, ISIS etc are very impressed with his gigantic fingers and they'll fall right into line.
