Trump treated him like a lowly schoolteacher

Trump treated him like a lowly schoolteacher

by digby

Poor Chris Christie.  Now he knows what it's like to be one of his public employees:
...While minding my own business at the Starbucks inside the Westin hotel this morning, I saw a man engage Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort in conversation about the VP selection process. The man, whom I couldn't identify, suggested that Pence was a smart pick and Gingrich would've been a disaster. 
'Christie was livid, right?' the man said at one point. 'Yeah,' Manafort replied...
He's speaking at the convention but they're not calling him a headliner like Rubio and Cruz.  Ofcourse he didn't get very many votes in the primary either. His main accomplishment was caving early and kissing Trump's ring. It didn't work out for him.
