Oh this should be fun #Trumpsnewteam

Oh this should be fun

by digby

By now you've heard that Trump has shaken up his campaign team a bit by promoting Kellyann Conway to campaign manager and bringing on his alter ago Breitbart's Steve Bannon as chief executive. Here's Robert Costa on the new game plan:
Bannon has convinced Trump that rest of campaign needs to be bare-knuckles brawl, w/ full-bore populism/movement politics
— Robert Costa (@costareports) August 17, 2016

I don't know what they mean by "populism/movement" but it seems to mostly be anti-establishment white nationalism. This article in the Washington Post, co-written by Costa, lays it all out. I don't think it's going to be pretty:
In the short term, Trump campaign strategists will seek to keep the candidate focused on two themes that have animated him in recent months: defeating terrorism and expanding law enforcement, which they see as going hand in hand and as an effective way to hit Clinton.

Authoritarianism R Us. Shudder.
