And now a word from a couple of bloodthirsty wingnuts

And now a word from a couple of bloodthirsty wingnuts

by digby

Dick and Liz:
We are no longer interrogating terrorists in part because we are no longer capturing terrorists. Since taking office, the president has recklessly pursued his objective of closing the detention facility at Guantanamo by releasing current detainees—regardless of the likelihood they will return to the field of battle against us. Until recently, the head of recruitment for ISIS in Afghanistan and Pakistan was a former Guantanamo detainee, as is one of al Qaeda’s most senior leaders in the Arabian Peninsula.

As he released terrorists to return to the field of battle, Mr. Obama was simultaneously withdrawing American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. He calls this policy “ending wars.” Most reasonable people recognize this approach as losing wars.


President Obama and Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were so concerned with pleasing Iran’s ruling mullahs that they were willing to overlook the American blood on Iranian hands and decades of Iran’s activities as the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. In pursuit of the nuclear deal, they made concession after dangerous concession.

Every promise made to the American people about the Obama nuclear agreement has been broken. We were promised a “world-class” verification process. Instead, the Iranians are allowed in key instances to verify themselves.

We were promised the agreement would “block every pathway” to an Iranian nuclear weapon. Instead, the Obama-Clinton agreement virtually guarantees an Iranian nuclear weapon, gives them access to the latest in centrifuge technology and will likely usher in a nuclear arms race across the Middle East.

Now ask yourselves who sounds most like Dick Cheney in this presidential election? The allegedly angry warhawk Clinton or the supposedly friendly isolationist Donald Trump?

According to a number of people lately, it's the shrieking harpy not the the torture-loving, bomb the shit out of 'em, nuclear advocating Trump.

They simply cannot be hearing what the man is saying. He's channeling Dick "waterbording is a no-brainer" Cheney and future GOP presidential nominee Liz Cheney. The only difference between them is that Trump wants to force American allies to pony up more in protection money.
