"My mother was a big fan of the queen!"

"My mother was a big fan of the queen!"

by digby

Image result for queen angry

Oh dear God, please let me wake from this nightmare. Trump is making unsupervised calls to foreign leaders with no briefings or guidance from anyone . The transition hasn't even checked in with State Department or the Pentagon yet. 

Check this out:

Donald Trump revealed that his late mother was a big fan of the Queen during his first phone call with Theresa May. The US president-elect also asked the prime minister to pass on his regards at her next audience at Buckingham Palace, according to sources.

The two leaders held a ten-minute conversation last Thursday lunchtime during which he called the UK a “very special place for me and my country”.

As well as invoking his late mother, Mary, who was born in Scotland, Mr Trump offered a casual, open-ended invitation for Mrs May to get in contact if she crosses the Atlantic.

“If you travel to the US, you should let me know,” he told her, according to an official transcript of the conversation. The informality of the invitation raised eyebrows among British officials.

He Terry! If yer in the neighborhood just drop on by!

He also invited the Irish prime minister to come to the US for St Patrick's day. God only knows what puerile nonsense he's saying to everyone else.

This is a guy who ran on a platform based on the idea that the rest of the world is laughing at us.

Well they are now. We just elected a cretinous moron to run our country. They're laughing and laughing. Also crying whenever they think about the fact that the global security guarantees everyone's relied upoin have just been thrown into the garbage disposal.

But hey, maybe that's a good thing. I guess I just think it would have been preferable to have someone with a worldview that has advanced beyond a 4th grade level. ("My mother was a big fan of the queen!!!")

