Swastikas Came to My Block in Manhattan by tristero

Swastikas Came to My Block in Manhattan

by tristero

No, that is not hyperbole. This is from my block association today here on the Upper West Side of Manhattan:

Graffiti Attack on [UPPER WEST SIDE BLOCK]:
You may have heard that we have had a recent graffiti incident on Tuesday, December 13 during the evening or night. The graffiti was noted on buildings *** and *** RSD as well as [***] WEA. It appears the graffiti were swastikas and a letter “A” with a circle around it. 
The police were called to the locations. I am in contact with Police Officer *** of the 24th Precinct Graffiti Squad and will provide you with any progress they make toward apprehending the perpetrators.  
It should be noted that the perpetrators struck on the evening of our block security guard’s day off. Our block security guard works six days a week.
Sure, it was probably drunk young people who had no idea what they were doing. Then again, a lot of those who perpetrated Krisatllnacht were probably drunk young people who had no idea what they were doing.

Adding: I am very afraid, but not personally. I am very afraid for the communities that Trump singled out for the attention of his deplorables.