Illegal voter in chief

Illegal voter in chief

by digby

So the big controversy of the day about Trump believing that he had the biggest crowds in history and that he only lost the popular vote because "three to five million people voted illegally," it's worth recalling that Trump himself tried to vote illegally, on camera:

It's HARD to vote illegally. Trump himself was turned away from 3 polling places in 2004 b/c he wasn't on the rolls.
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) January 24, 2017

Now, I will grant that your average Mexican undocumented worker is a lot smarter and more resourceful than Donald Trump. But still, for three million votes to be illegal, this sort of thing would be pretty hard to hide.

Also, there have been numerous studies over many, many years and there is no systematic voter fraud. Period. This is an "alternate fact."

Not that his followers haven't gobbled it up whole:
