Easter greetings from your leader

Easter greetings from your leader

by digby

Easter is the big Christian holiday. The real deal. The one that signals rebirth and renewal and forgiveness for all of humanity's sins. It's important.

Here's what your allegedly "more Godly" president had to say on Easter morning:

He did manage a "Happy Easter" in between griping about protesters questioning his amazing election, blurting out that he's lying about China not being a currency manipulator because he needs them as allies on North Korea (I guess he figures they don't read twitter) and celebrating our war making machinery while pretty much threatening that he's getting ready to use it.

On Easter.

Apparently he didn't bother to go get his "little cracker and little wine" this morning and I'd guess it's because he can't stand to sit still for a sermon. But if anyone needs one right now, he does.
