The falafel king is out of business

The falafel king is out of business

by digby

Bill O'Reilly finally got canned. Hallelujah.

Crooks and Liars documented his first sexual harassment scandal in depth and it was often hilarious. This was my personal favorite:

C&L is proud to present the Bill O'Reilly Opera! Using the transcript of telephone calls taken from Bill O'Reilly's 2004 sexual harassment case, Igor Keller composed the opera, Mackris vs O'Reilly -

The piece is a setting of the sexual harassment complaint lodged against Fox News pundit, Bill O’Reilly, by staff producer, Andrea Mackris, in October 2004 and recorded at its world premiere in January 2007. It includes all memorable moments from the original complaint and more – paranoid rants, clumsy sexual innuendo, and the famous falafel fantasy. Composer Igor Keller has produced this concert-length work in the form of a baroque oratorio, in the style of an updated Handel’s Messiah, for 28-piece chamber orchestra, 26-voice chorus and three soloists. It’s an oratorio for the 21st century!

That all happened a decade ago. Despite being publicly exposed as a disgusting pig, he continued doing it. Why wouldn't he? They never thought there was anything wrong with it because the man at the top did it too.
And he would obviously be perfectly safe there today if it weren't for advertisers running from the O'Reilly "brand."

By the way, the man at the top of the US Government does it too.

And he recently defended O'Reilly against the charges:

I think he shouldn't have settled; personally I think he shouldn't have settled. Because you should have taken it all the way. I don't think Bill did anything wrong. I think he's a person I know well — he is a good person.

That's our president. Rolling around in the mud with pigs just like himself.

Update: And by the way, the incitement to kill Doctor George Tiller is what sends him straight to the 9th circle of hell.

Good riddance.
