A message from the grave

A message from the grave

by digby

Via Raw Story:

A new website will send your cremated remains to Republicans in Congress if the American Healthcare Act (AHCA) — also known as “Trumpcare” — kills you by discontinuing your coverage or denying you access to medications, surgery or other treatments.

Mediaite.com’s Linsey Ellefson said on Friday that MailMeToTheGOP.com will mail your ashes to a Republican in Congress if you die as a result of Trumpcare.

“Millions of Americans rely on protections and coverage from the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. The Republicans new bill will gut these protections and many will die,” says MailMe’s website. “They deserve to know it. Fill out our form and we’ll help you get papers in order to send your ashes to a GOP member of Congress if you pass.”

Users of the website have the option of writing a custom message about how and why they died as a result of Trumpcare, but there are also pre-written messages like, “My combat tour in Iraq resulted in enough disability to make me uninsurable, but not enough to get all my healthcare through the VA. You killed me, you prick” and “Because you took away my f*cking insurance.”

This is gallows humor for a lot of people who really will be in trouble. Sadly, there are many Trump voters who are digging their own graves too. But I guess they will take pleasure in taking down a bunch of people they hate with them, so there's that.
