Dispatch from the fever swamp

Dispatch from the fever swamp

by digby

You won't believe this one:

A Texas congressman said President Bill Clinton intimidated the government’s lead lawyer into not seeking an indictment of Hillary Clinton by telling her, "We killed Vince Foster."

Did Clinton, desperate to help his wife, declare as much about killing Foster, the White House deputy counsel at the start of Clinton’s two terms?

That's what Rep. Pete Olson said in a June 9, 2017, interview on the Houston-based Sam Malone Show.

"I guarantee you," Olson said, "they had the conversation where he basically said, ‘Mrs. Lynch, call your attack dog off. We’ve killed people. We killed Vince Foster. We destroyed Webb Hubbell. We will destroy you.’ And then what happens to things?," Olson said. "All of a sudden--well, she did it, yeah, it was all terrible, don’t know who got the information, very classified. But no indictment."

That lying loon isn't an internet troll or a Russian bot. He's a member of of the United States Congress.

By the way, on't think this is just some one-off comment. Both the House and Senate have launched investigations into Lynch's "interference" in the election. So, we'll be hearing a lot more about that, particularly since the Mueller probe is happening behind closed doors and the GOP committee chairman are saying they don't want to get in his way with the Russia stuff. This, however, will be a sideshow, I predict, with Bill and and Hill and Loretta and maybe James Comey all coming up to the hill for testimony.

I hope I'm wrong about that. But do you think it's impossible that they wouldn't do it? I don't.