Ooh, scary liberals

Ooh, scary liberals

by digby

This ad is just downright nasty:

And here's the point: messing with liberals:

The Washington Post
found at least a couple of NRA members who saw what this thing was really all about:

“I’m an old white guy and a life member, but this BS is disgusting,” Facebook user Eric Eugene Rush commented under the post. “When you spew crap like this, you don’t speak for me anymore. I try to avoid doing things on the spur of the moment, but I’ll be thinking about canceling my membership.”

“Jeeeeesus … it almost looks like you’re encouraging violence against demonstrators,” Steve van der Lacy wrote. “Just let the police do their jobs when or if protests get out of hand.”

There was a lot of commentary from the left that this was a call for civil war. But it isn't it's a call for an authoritarian crackdown by the US Government. You may think that's an unusual tack for the 2nd Amendment zealots to take but it isn't. They consider themselves to be adjuncts of the police when it comes to fighting liberal protesters, African Americans and immigrants. They were on the ground "protecting businesses" in Ferguson. And you can bet that if there are widespread protests that challenge the police, they'll be with them.

They are happy for the government police agencies to crack down on their political enemies. They only hate the government when it comes to guns and taxes.

Remember, Trump himself celebrated vigilantism on the trail. He has no trouble with the idea of armed citizens taking on the "criminals" to "help"the police. As long as the criminals are the right criminals, if you know what I mean.
