Awwwww. The world is still full of good people.

Awwwww. The world is still full of good people.

by digby

Here's a sweet story to make you feel better tonight:

Santa Claus is 100% real – at least for one little boy who first saw him walking past his front door in south London four years ago.

"Santa", whose real name is Mr Hussain, was walking down the street in Tooting in December 2013 when he was spotted by Alfie, who is now six. He heard the little boy call him Santa, and turned round and gave him some money, leading Alfie to believe that he really was Father Christmas.

Hussain, a Muslim man who works at an accountancy firm down the road and just happens to have a big white beard, has since called back at the house every year with a gift for Alfie and his 13-year-old sister Hayley.

And after getting to know the family, he even now calls round on their birthdays.

Alfie's mum, Tracy Ashford-Rose, told BuzzFeed News that Christmas wouldn't be the same without a visit from "Santa".

She said she remembers "my little Alfie shouting out for me, 'look it's Father Christmas!'"

Hussain "got three houses away and came back to knock on my door; he said he couldn't pass without giving a gift as my little boy thought he was Father Christmas," Ashford-Rose continued.

"This was four years ago, and we still exchange gifts to each other. He comes to see Alfie and my daughter Hayley on their birthdays and gives gifts, he never forgets, the dates.

"We now call him Grandad Christmas. We see him throughout the year, he shakes Alfie's hand, and has a cuddle. Christmas wouldn't be the same without him now."

Mr Hussein is Grandad Christmas. Well of course he is. Look at him!

Honestly, we don't need to have religious wars anymore, we really don't. Decent people of all faiths and little kids can put an end to them once and for all.

If you feel like dropping a little something into the Hullabaloo kitty over this holiday period, I would be most appreciative.

Happy New Year, everybody. Together we can get through this.

cheers --- digby
