It just takes two
by digby

James Fallows points out that it would only take two Senators to change everything:
“Have you no sense of decency?” It’s the question that the members of the Republican majority in the Congress—51 senators, 239 representatives—might bear in mind, in the “shithole” era.
If only two of those senators would stand up against Donald Trump, with their votes rather than just their tweets or concerned statements, they would constitute an effective majority.
With the 49 Democratic and independent senators, these two would make 51 votes, which in turn would be enough to authorize real investigations. They could pass a formal resolution of censure. They could call for tax returns and financial disclosure. They could begin hearings, on the model of the nationally televised Watergate hearings of 45 years ago.
They could behave as if they took seriously their duties to hold the executive branch accountable. They could make a choice they know will be to their credit when this era enters history — as did the Republicans who finally turned against their own party’s President Nixon during the Watergate drama, as did the Democrats who finally turned against their own party’s President Johnson over the Vietnam war, as did the Republicans who finally turned against their own poisonous Senator McCarthy in the episode that gave rise to “Have you no sense of decency?” more than 60 years ago. They could spare themselves the shame that history attaches to people who did the wrong thing, or nothing, or kept looking the other way during those decisive periods.
(I’m not even talking about the House, where the GOP has a larger majority, where there’s never been as much talk about “world’s greatest deliberative body,” and where the main outlet for Republican concerns about this era in politics has been the rapidly growing list of incumbents deciding to retire rather than run again.)
Even without the House, just two senators could make an enormous difference.
I've been thinking about this too. It wasn't that long ago that two Senators switched to the GOP in one cycle --- Richard Shelby of Alabama and Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado both switched in 1994. Jim Jeffords switched from the Republican Party to Independent and caucused with the Democrats in 2001, changing a power sharing arrangement due to a 50-50 split to a Democratic majority. These switches were ideological which isn't the issue now, of course. The Republicans obviously are all in on policy.
This is a much more important issue. It's a matter of stopping an unfit, unqualified rogue president who is putting the whole planet in danger. These two Republicans wouldn't have to become Democrats. They could just become Independents and vote for Chuck Schumer for majority leader which would allow real oversight investigations and hearings.
So far, there are none among them willing to do it. In fact we see more and more of them falling in line with Trump.