A Trump Republican

A Trump Republican

by digby

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?@kelliwardaz staffer: I wonder if John McCain's trying to steal attention from Ward's bus tour by announcing his life is coming to an end.
Ward: Yup, it's all about me. #AZSEN pic.twitter.com/AXKAOhKYkU
— BrahmResnik (@brahmresnik) August 25, 2018

@kelliwardaz deleted that comment on the FB thread. She has now posted this comment, blaming the media. pic.twitter.com/EYozlaLRzT
— BrahmResnik (@brahmresnik) August 25, 2018

One of the admirable things about John McCain was that he wasn't a whiner and didn't blame others when he did the wrong thing. That used to be the way mature people behaved.
