There Really Are Two Sides Here by tristero

There Really Are Two Sides Here

by tristero

Going forward, I sincerely believe there are two very different, very valid sides to the Kavanaugh affair. And good arguments can be made for both points of view:

On the one hand, should Kavanaugh simply be required to withdraw from Supreme Court consideration, give up his judgeship, and be disbarred?

On the other, in addition to all of the above, should Kavanaugh also (1) be required to pay restitution to Dr Blasey Ford and the other women he assaulted; and (2) reimburse this country's government for the monumental expenditure of resources on his disgraceful hearings?

I really can see both points of view. Personally, I'd be willing to settle for just removing Kavanaugh permanently from the American justice system. But others may think that's not enough, and I respect their point of view.

What is not reasonable is the phony "other side," namely for Kavanaugh — who has lied many times now — to have the opportunity to spend even one more day, let alone a week, dragging this country's political discourse through his and Trump's mud. As for confirmation? After all his lies and his partisan threats? Please.

It is a testament to how broken our country has become that after yesterday's hearings, a one-week investigation of his lies is the only politically acceptable alternative.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that brakes were applied to this travesty. But as talented as some may think he is, a man with Kavanaugh's obvious character flaws should never have been nominated. Once his extremism, his lies, and his political thuggishness had become known, he should have withdrawn. That he continues to be in our face even after credible evidence of sexual assault came out — and that it is still likely he will be confirmed — is utterly deplorable.