Trumponomics for dummies

Trumponomics for dummies

by digby

Jonathan Chait reads the new exercise in professional bootlicking by Larry Kudlow, Stephen Moore and Arthur Laffer called Trumponomics so you don't have to. (Not that you would.) Apparently, it is an expose on how sycophants talked the dotard into adopting their wing-nut extremism with over-the-top flattery and lies.  Not that it was hard, mind you. He is a  rich moron and he loves tax cuts, which is one issue on which they all agree.

This stands out, however:
Trump himself refused to accept an end to the deductibility of interest payments. “Look, I’ve spent my whole life doing real estate deals,” he tells them, “Every one of them was financed by debt. I hate this idea.” 
Here they reveal Trump killing a reform solely because it would negatively impact his own business. This scene comes just five pages after they credulously cite Trump promising that the tax cut won’t benefit him personally.
This is fine. No biggie.
