The Fox fever swamp bizarroworld hearing

The Fox fever swamp bizarroworld hearing

by digby

In case you are wondering how the wingers are explaining the Cohen hearing to the cult:

Jim Jordan lays out the full anti-Trump conspiracy.

— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 27, 2019

Good lord Jordan is desperate. I’m surprise he didn’t work in Comet Ping-Pong somehow.

— Julian Sanchez (@normative) February 27, 2019

Jordan closes his questioning by advancing a theory that Cohen is just bitter with Trump because he didn't get a job in the White House.

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 27, 2019


— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 27, 2019

Jim Jordan goes on anti-deep state rant.

— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 27, 2019

Meadows brings African American party planner, Lynne Patton, who worked for Trump org (and now runs part of HUD) to refute racism allegations.

— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 27, 2019

lol sort of a good example of quality of GOP questioning this morning.

— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 27, 2019

They don't seem to realize that attacking Cohen for being a liar just confirms what Cohen is saying: that he lied to protect Trump, which is what they are now doing. Cohen said near the end of this first segment:

"The more people that follow Mr Trump as I did blindly, are going to suffer the same consequences as I did...look at what's happened to me."

Cohen called Trump a racist, a conman and a cheat and when asked what he would call himself, he answered: "a fool."

These GOP toadies are the same. It's unclear if they will ever realize it. As hard as it is to believe, they are much dumber than Michael Cohen.
