It's nice to see Warren's ideas getting some traction

It's nice to see Warren's ideas getting some traction

by digby

I know the latest polling of the Democratic field shows Biden getting a sizeable bump since he announced, which doesn't surprise me. He's like an old shoe, familiar and comfortable. A lot of people probably think he presents a return to normal life. ( FWIW, I don't think life will ever go back to that old "normal." But it can go forward to something better....)

But it's a long campaign and I honestly have no idea where it's going to end up. I don't think anyone can realistically guess at this point.But I was happy to see that Warren is finally getting a little love, and it's fair to guess that it's mostly for her policy proposals which are as progressive as it gets.

I don't know if it's enough to carry her all the way --- again, I wouldn't hazard a guess about the race at this point. But if she continues to poll well because of her policy ideas, I think it bodes well for the party going forward. They won't adopt them in whole cloth but they provide a road map for Democratic governance in this era and I hope whoever gets the nod will take her agenda and use it as the basis for his or her agenda.

Of course, it's always possible that the voters will decide they like her too. You never know. I know I do. (Always have ...)
