One of those speeches ...

One of those speeches ...

by digby

Trump gave an energy speech today in Pennsylvania. Here's just one of his inane comments:

Trump says that when he was a little boy, like four years old, he loved trucks, and even though he's now president, he still loves trucks, nothing has changed, he loves trucks.

— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) August 13, 2019


Trump, miming computer manufacturing as if it's a dainty endeavor, mocks the suggestion that workers would want to learn to work in a computer plant and make a "little tiny piece of stuff." He says they wanna dig coal and manufacture steel.

— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) August 13, 2019

computer manufacturing is for effeminate losers, amirite? Who needs it?


Trump, complaining of emoluments suits against him, says this presidency is costing him a "fortune" and mocks complaints about him renting hotel rooms to Saudis for "$500." He says, "What about the $5 billion that I'll lose?" (There's no evidence he's losing that.)

— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) August 13, 2019

and this:

Trump tells the workers, in this official speech allegedly about energy, that they can drive the media "totally crazy" if they "go to hashtag third term, hashtag fourth term," suggesting he'll stay in office longer than two terms.

— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) August 13, 2019

There is more here. If you can stand it.
