I'm Beginning to Think The Russian Prostitute Tape Has to be Real by tristero

I'm Beginning to Think The Russian Prostitute Video Tape Has to be Real 

by tristero

The assumption has been that the tape, if it existed, couldn't be nearly enough, that the leverage Putin holds on Trump has to be about money.

But what if the tape was really horrific? What if paying two prostitutes to perform certain activities for him was merely where the video began? What if Donald Trump did... a-and it was captured on high quality video? The mind heaves.

That could easily explain the extraordinary lengths Trump goes to help Putin — directly, via the blame-Ukraine-for-2016 shenanigans, and now with Turkey (for starters). Because if the tape is real and the activities Trump indulged in are gross enough and possibly illegal, that could — in addition to holding him up for worldwide ridicule at a level far greater than his known activities have done — seriously affect his bottom line as well.

No tapes have yet surfaced. But absence of evidence is not...