Whip Appeal
by digby
FDL has been working overtime the last few days putting together some tools for us to meet up with our Senators on the fourth of July break and ask them some questions about liberty and justice --- and to help poor Harry Reid whip his caucus on FISA since he's too tired.
Jane Hamsher writes today:
Christy has put in tons and I mean tons of hard work finding out where our elected officials are going to appear over the fourth of July holiday. It seems some of them (*cough Diane Feinstein cough*) are using the "terrorist threat" to refuse to let their constituents know where they will be.
National security is a convenient excuse for so very many things.
But Christy was dogged, and thanks to her efforts (and those of our fabulous readers) we now have almost 40 events set up across the country where you can join together with fellow like-minded FISA buffs and tell your member of Congress in person exactly what you think of the upcoming capitulation they plan.
Sign up here
Jane offers some helpful suggestions about questions you might like to ask you Senators and also suggests you bring you video camera along. You never know when it will rain Macaca.
As for poor tired Harry:
We've also got some real cool tools for calling you Senator to see where they stand on stripping retroactive immunity out of the FISA bill, and a place where you can enter their response (since Harry Reid isn't going to whip for it, I guess we'll have to do it ourselves).

Click over to FDL and you can get that image and tool for your own site if you'd like.
If you sign up you will find all sorts of interesting Fourth of July events that will be attended by your Senators. It would be an excellent lesson in civic engagement and patriotic observance for the kids to see someone ask their Senator on Independence Day why he or she doesn't support the constitution. Or maybe the kids themselves would like to do it... it would make a lovely YouYube.