Exceptional Idiots

Exceptional Idiots

by digby

So everyone is bitching about Vladimir Putin having the nerve to question our asinine insistence on American Exceptionalism. Senator Bob Menendez even said his commentary made him want to throw up. (He's a delicate flower, isn't he?)

Here's your exceptionalism, on full display in living color, in a foreign country:
Tea party-backed Representatives Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Steve King (R-IA) on Saturday held a press conference in Egypt to thank the country’s military for overthrowing the elected government, and at one point even seemed to suggest that the Muslim Brotherhood had been behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.
My God. That is so bad that if I were in Egypt I'd be compelled to apologize to every Egyptian I saw on the street for the stunning, over-the-top condescension of these morons.

Jon Stewart handled this the only way possible:

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Yeah, we're "exceptional" all right, although I think most people would call it "special", which isn't exactly the same thing.

Watch the whole bizarre "press conference" below --- Stewart actually cut out some of the stupidest stuff -- and think about the fact that these people are representing you around the world. And then think about why others find our constant chest beating about our own superiority and exceptionalism to be the most absurd thing about us:
