This post will remain at the top of the page for a while. Please scroll down for new material Rolling boxcars by digby
... and still at the table
I just wanted to check in and thank all of you who've contributed to the holiday fundraiser so far and send out a special thanks to those of you who have taken out subscriptions over the years. Some of you have been loyal subscribers for quite a long time and I sincerely appreciate it. With the collapse of online advertising the last few years it's that revenue stream that's partially taken its place.
I also wanted to point out that if some of you are still ordering from Amazon online, if you go through my portal over there on the left column anything you buy there kicks a few pennies back this way. It all adds up!
Anyway, thanks again to all of you who've participated so far. I'm very grateful. On January 1 it will be my 12th anniversary writing this blog, if you can believe that. Holy guacamole ...
If you like to help me keep it going you can contribute here: